The course is meant to train the student in Lighting Design using IES -Virtual Environment Software, the details are as below –
Model Building: This contains step-by-step instructions that will show how to use ModelIT.
Solar Shading: This enables to perform shading and solar insolation analysis studies using SunCast.
Artificial Lighting: This shows how to access a database of luminaires and place luminaires within rooms in a building model using LightPro.
Artificial Lighting & Daylighting: This shows how to perform an artificial lighting design calculation or a lighting analysis using FlucsPro.
Lighting With RadianceIES: This shows how to perform 3D luminance and illuminance lighting simulations using RadianceIES.
Energy Modelling Part 1: This shows how to use the Building Template Manager (BTM) to create thermal and construction data for a project. Also shows how to run dynamic thermal simulations using ApacheSim.
Energy Modelling Part 2: This shows how to use Vista to review the results from a dynamic thermal simulation performed using ApacheSim.
Natural Ventilation: This shows how to define window and door opening characteristics for a building model using MacroFlo.
CFD Part 1: This illustrates the solution setup for the internal analysis of a naturally ventilated building using MicroFlo.
CFD Part 2: This illustrates the solution setup for the external wind analysis using MicroFlo